Wednesday, October 27, 2010


These snapshots show the spite moving from one top corner to the bottom corner. The tutorial showed and gave instructions on how to make a spite glide.
The Process is next to the spite.
My spite glides for 6 seconds.

Scratch Programmign Control Structure

Here are two If structures:

The first one being a simple IF structure and the second one being a If repetition structure

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


1. For each of the flow charts describe in words what you think they will do:

This flow chart demonstrates someones decision for printing tempreture

This flow chart demonstrates and tells us the process of a flashing LED light.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



  • Algorithms: Set of instructions which are also known as procdure or function which allows a task to occur. Algorithms can either be quiet simple or quiet complex.
  • Pseudocode: Simple yet quiet a good description of what a computer program of algorithm must do.
  • Machine Languauge: A set of instructions for a specific central processing unit, which is designed to be used by a computer without being translated.
  • High level computer language:
  • Flow Chart: A diagram showing the process in correct order of a opertaion in a computer program

    1. Opening door door and entering room
  • Approch door
  • reach the door handle with one hand
  • Grasp door handle
  • Turn handle in a anti-clockwise movment then push forward
  • Let go of the door knob
  • Walk forward until you have passed the door frame
  • Turn around and face door
  • Reach out for the door knob again
  • Grasp door knob again
  • Pull it forward back into the door frame

    2. Negotiating traffic lights as you drive down the street.
    approch lights
    check colour of lights
    IF the light is green then continue driving
    IF the light is red then stop
    IF the light is orange then slow down