Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I have been working on my scrtch game which

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

STEP 3: TUTORIALS - Suprise Button

STEP 3- TUTORIALS - Keep Score

When the shark eats the fish/ touches it the score increases by one and pop sound occurs.

Friday, November 5, 2010

STEP 3: TUTORIALS - Follow the Mouse

Follow the mouse is a very useful tutorial, it allows the spite to simply follow the mouse in whatever direction the mouse drags and points to


What happens when you press the space bar? Well it makes the spite move in a whirl movment.
I have done this by using the appropriate structure.
When space bar is pressed the spite moves for 2 seconds and returns to its original position,.
The below screen shots show the spites two different poses.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


These snapshots show the spite moving from one top corner to the bottom corner. The tutorial showed and gave instructions on how to make a spite glide.
The Process is next to the spite.
My spite glides for 6 seconds.

Scratch Programmign Control Structure

Here are two If structures:

The first one being a simple IF structure and the second one being a If repetition structure

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


1. For each of the flow charts describe in words what you think they will do:

This flow chart demonstrates someones decision for printing tempreture

This flow chart demonstrates and tells us the process of a flashing LED light.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



  • Algorithms: Set of instructions which are also known as procdure or function which allows a task to occur. Algorithms can either be quiet simple or quiet complex.
  • Pseudocode: Simple yet quiet a good description of what a computer program of algorithm must do.
  • Machine Languauge: A set of instructions for a specific central processing unit, which is designed to be used by a computer without being translated.
  • High level computer language:
  • Flow Chart: A diagram showing the process in correct order of a opertaion in a computer program

    1. Opening door door and entering room
  • Approch door
  • reach the door handle with one hand
  • Grasp door handle
  • Turn handle in a anti-clockwise movment then push forward
  • Let go of the door knob
  • Walk forward until you have passed the door frame
  • Turn around and face door
  • Reach out for the door knob again
  • Grasp door knob again
  • Pull it forward back into the door frame

    2. Negotiating traffic lights as you drive down the street.
    approch lights
    check colour of lights
    IF the light is green then continue driving
    IF the light is red then stop
    IF the light is orange then slow down

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sample Flowcharts

1. For each of the flowcharts below describe what they will do.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


  1. What is Broadband? reffers to telecommunication in which a single cable can have wide band of frequancys and can carry a large amount of data at any one time.


2. Outline the methods of delivery of broadband (wireless, cable, ADSL and fibre)? Identify the speed of each method.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

4. Give examples of broadband providers and identify the costs.

5. The Federal Government is thinking of rolling out a national broadband network (The NBN). Research the NBN and find out:
a. what method of delivery it will use
b. the expected speed
c. the expected costs

6. Do you think Australians should invest in The NBN? Justify your answer.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Gen and I have finished our assignment/multimedia website.
In our site we have a menu, many pages to visit and a various amount of photos and movies
to grab your attention.
I feel that we have put quiet a lot of effort in presenting it neatly and finding information suitable for the site.
We based our information around these Questions:

  1. What it is? What we use it for?
  2. How it is apart of the multimedia world?
  3. Are they any different types? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each type?
  4. A simple explanation on how it works

Hopefully i have been able to supply answers to the reqiured information.

URL for Website

This is the URL for our website:



Data projectors

Samsung, http://www.samsung.com/au/consumer/pc-peripherals/data-projector/index.idx?pagetype=type_p2

Data Projectors at School, http://www.zardec.net.au/keith/project.htm

Social Networking




Blu Ray Discs











Problems and Solutions
  • We had a problem where we added a new page and ended up editing the same page, when we saved it we figured out what had happened and needed to start all over agian.
  • We also expirenced another problem which was that one of the pages wouldn't link to the menu, we ended up re-creating the menu and having to link all the pages again.

ROUTINE- each lesson

After everything was decided we moved on to creating the site however to do that we needed to reseach our chosen topics.
We applied that information onto certain pages of our website which we had created, we also changed things as we went along, we altered how the site looked and changed how each page looked. So once we had finished one assigned topic we'd move onto the next and repeat the above.

We have made each page look different unless it is linked to some other page, as we went along we polished how each paged look. We've modified and Gen and I have both added videos and on some of our pages there are even animations to grab attention.
We thought it would a good idea if not all the pages were filled with loads of information.
We changed fonts and used different ways to show our information, some in forms of books as well.


Wix is a website allowing people to come and create their sites.
It allows you to alter and change what you want, and has a vast range of things to chose from.
This site is versatile as you are able to use many different multimedia devices, Text, the uploading of videos and pictures, animations it also allows you to connect to Face book and YouTube.
Gen and I had no problems collaborating on this site. We both used it without either of our pages and information being overrides however this only worked since we saved different pages at different times.
I found this site quiet easy to use. When creating your page you are opened to many different options when designing.

Picture of wix and available options which are up for use.
(Gens blog)


This terms addignment is based on multimedia and different types. We either have a choice of working with a partner or working individual, so Gen and I decided to work together, however our information has to be presented through a websote created by us.
We have decided to use Wix due to collabartion (it works well) and it is easy to monuver and we can upload images and videos without it taking up alot of time.
The two of us need to research 4 types of multimedia each.

  • Digital Television
  • Software Licebse Types
  • Bluetooth
  • CD's and DVD


  • Data Projectors
  • Social Networking
  • Secondary storage (Blu Ray Discs)
  • Wifi


Pronto page is a site to create your very own website. This site caters to your needs and you are able to alter this includes changing colours, menus, and rename things among many other options.
You are also entitled to chooses your own widgets and some which are available are: News page, weather, calender and many more.
This site is good for collaboration meaning it is possible for 2 or more people to be editing the site at the one time. However if wanting to save you would have to save different pages so that nothing overrides.
Although trying to upload YouTube videos wont work through the HTML widget and if you do want it to work you have to try several times, this is time consuming.

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Assignment

Today we recived a new assignment.
It's based on multimedia and we have a option weather we want to work alone or in a small group.
Miss took us through some videos which explained some of
the sites we may want to use.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

THE CPU questions

1. A CPU is the centre of the computer system and is also a chip. It accepts input data and process information and send it to the component that is incharge of taking action.

2. The name of the first CPU was called Intel 4004 and was introduced in 1971

3. The speed of CPUS's have changed as the years increase, this maybe due to more knowlage about the chip. From having the speed of 2HMz in 1971 and having the speed of 3.6GHz in 2004.

4. MIPS mean miilions of instructions per second

5. A Dual Core Processor: CPU with 2 procesoors in the same intergrated circut and preform operations twice as fast. Multitasking is two or more tasks being processed through the computers central processing unit.
The Two work together as the many tasks are taken out by the core/central processor.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The world of Multimedia Questions

  • Home
  • School
  • Public areas
  • Public Transport

2. Phone and computer/laptop this is because I use it to communicate with people who live further away and is a easy way of communication, it also allows me to access the Internet and write up documents using Adobe PDF files which can also help out for school work.


  • GPS
  • Television
  • Voice recognition
  • Phone

4. Advantages:

  • Connect with people easily and with people further away
  • Access the information quicker


  • Lose communication with people


Friday, June 25, 2010

BroadBand Questions

  1. What is Braodband? Broadbamd is short for Braodband Internet Accsess and is a tunnel that links computers to the internet at various speeds. It is also a type of internet connection.
  2. What units are used to measure bandwith? Kilobites per second
  3. How much faster is broadband than dial up?853kb/s-10453
  4. What are the speeds that broadband operates at compared to dial up? Broadband is 900-10500Kb/s and dial up is 48Kb/s
  5. What are some of the advantages of using a broadband connection to download something like a video compared to dial up?
  • Broadband is excellent at streaming where as dial up is poor streaming.
  • Broadband is also faster and can download the information and process more quickliy than dial up

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have uploaded the vidoes to the W drive as to formats, broadband and email, Gen was also away as i mentioned before. So know we are finished!!!!!!!!!!!



Oh I almost forgot to
upload the new story board
that Gen and I finished



Gen was away for this lesson so i worked on my own, all there was left to do was the credits.
I finished the credits and made sure I included everyone that helped no just Gen and I.


Yesterday gen and i worked on editing again. The video is coming along well, we got really far and were so close to finishing the video, however we also relised that our vidoe was going over time. To fix this problem Gen and I went through the movie again and edited some scenec to make them smaller.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Editing MOVIE

So we have finished recording our movie and are onto editing it.
To do we are using Live Windows Movie Maker, we have to trim
some scenes, add in music and transitions.
Gen and I worked on this today and got pretty far, we have added music
and transition.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Today Gen and I recorded our video with the help of Helen. SO MUCH FUN :P
So now that is done all we have left is to edit and upload our video.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Story board

here's the story board, we were unable to have pictures of the my kitchen yet, but will be uploaded soon.



I retrived the recipe from the Cadbury site, this is the:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today i finished the script and polished it up, asked Gen to read through it. Gen also finished the polished the storyboard however we do not have photos for this, and the photo's will be uploaded later.
We have also decided on music the title and the credits. Now that this is all finished we can now start getting ready for the recording.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Yesterday Gen and I made a lot of progress. She gave me what we had started on the script from the previous day which by the way wasn't a lot.
So while i worked on the script Gen worked on the storyboard, sharing job roles worked a lot, this made sure that Gen and I were having a equal amount of job roles.
The script is almost finished in the upcoming lesson the script should be finished. Once the script is finished I will allow Gen to read through it, Gen can edit it if it has to be edited.
Hopefully the script is fine and nothing is wrong with it. The progress which has been made is positive and good. We should finish the main theory aspects of the assignment soon.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where did ideas come from?

I used many sites such as:
Ninemsn recipes
Super Food Ideas
Masterchef Australia
Good Taste Australia
Matt Moran's recipe site
Women Weekly Magazines

Friday, May 28, 2010


Today Gen and I started on the Gantt Chart adn Finished it. It has all the information on what we will be doing during what week. This is the plan we will be follow. :p

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Story board

Gen was away today
so i thought i would work on the
story board.
I made points, so when gen comes we can
start putting it together.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Today Gen and I had a change of mind instead of doing a movie tutorial on how to tie a tie, we thought we would do something based on cooking. We also wanted the key ingredient to be chocolate and would love to have a recipe which needs to be baked. Although we also had to be aware of the time limit and ingredients. We decided on baking MINI CHOCOLATE SOUFFLES. We will make this in our own time at my house and also film it in our own time. We have also decided to split the ingredients between the two.
We are going to make 8 souffles and incase of a error we will have extra ingredients and we have decided we will start of making 2 souffles. So far that is what we will be making.

The target audience for our movie is young people who love to bake and cook.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Movie Maker

Last lesson i made a short movie on chocolate desserts. I used music and techniques i also included a title and credits. I hope it doesnt make u hungry :]

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This term our assignment is to create a tutorial video (how to video).
We chose our group and Gen and I will be working together in making our tutorial video.
We also got started on what we'd like to make a movie about and we both agreed on HOW TO TIE A TIE, this was because some people don't know how to do this.
Since we knew what our movie topic was we started our story board and also discussed how to tie a tie.


I have created a ringtone
i have equalised it and edited and have also
made for phone speakers.

This is the link to my ring tone

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Editing Music

We've learnted how to edit photos, now were learning how to edit music through a program called AUDACITY.
Its quiet intresting as you can delete parts of the songs and edit them.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Inroduction to Videos

1.The vodeo format we will be using this term is Digital Video, what is the other, older format that was used recently?
The format is analog video

2.Describe the difference between the two.
The difference is that analog signals are made up from continous waveforms which vary. This means that the signal can be given out at anytime and anywhere between the minimun and maximum range allowed. Digital signals are transmitted at precise points selected at intervals or curves.

3.What are some advantages of digital videos?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


What to look for in a camera phone?
There a six essential phone features which are:

This feature is useful as it focuses on the object correctly and helps avoid blurry shots. It also doesn't the amount of mega pixels the phone has without this feature the photos wouldn't come out nicely but come out bad.
Some phones don't have auto focus as well.

DUAL LED or Xenon flash-A high flash is important to make sure that the photo being taken doesn't come out dull. However standard led flashes as it give less light than the camera screen.
The best type of flash would be a xenon flash as it gives out a lot more brighter which assists your camera in taking good photos in the dark. Although the down side to using the flash is that it wastes battery and takes time to reset, which means the time between shots is increased.
The dual LED flash is twice as brighter than a normal standard LED flash, but
1/1000th that of a xenon flash. This is an advantage as it can run continuously so this also mean that the flash can also be used for videos as well as still photos.

Xenon flash-
Pros: brightness flash, photos decrease blur and good quality pics under dark lights
Cons: Expensive, heavy on battery and isn't good for videos
Dual LED-
Pros: twice as bright than a standard LED flash, more affordable, acceptable low light and can be used while shooting videos.
Cons: Not a patch on Xenon for stills, photos of moving images can be blurred
Single LED-
Pros: Cheap

White Balance, Exposure and Preset Screen Modes-
For people who like taking photos outside in the sunshine. You'll a camera phone which lets you tweak white balance or exposure settings. If the photo is over exposed it will have a washed out look. However if you control the white balance then the it will decrease the effect.

Image Stabilisation

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I used sketch star as it was the program which i knew how to use really well.
I found this program quiet easy to create my animation. However when moving the letters and star i had to make it went forward a little bit at a time so that it wouldn't look jerky. I also had difficulties with writing Caritas all over again in the same size and way.

I had a decided on what animation i would create i would have chosen to do it on Inkscape however i decide on my animation a bit to late so i decided to create on Sketch Star.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This animation is created on sketch star and is similar to the first aniamtion i made. The only thing that is different is that there are more frames and the writing comes in different. I used sketch star as i didn't have enough time to create one on inkscape.

Sunday, March 21, 2010



I created my animation on SKETCH STAR
I did this as it was a easy animation program to use
however it isnt that good because my sister was distracting me and was pressureing me, so that
she could use facebook

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am having difficulties in creating my animation as i can't create the right shapes.
I'm also confused on which art program to use.
If anyone has a program that they found was quite useful can you please let me know.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


  1. Set background colour on CANVAS
  2. Size the canvas approximetly 400 by 400 px
  4. When exporting form inkscape select "PAGE"
  5. Create and use ONE folder for you files


Yesterday during class we had a critical lesson as we learnt how to make and animation using the computer program inkscape.

We also learnt more about the assignmet task, which is making a animation however it has to relate to what house colour we're in.

Some ideas i though if were:
  • Having a Pac man eating the other house colours
  • Having a yellow bowling ball knocking down the othe coloured pins
  • A bee doing loops while flying

Although I don't which one to use.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The 8 of clubs on the left is saved as a monochrome bitmap layout.

This 8 if clubs is saveved as a 24-bit bitmap layout

4. The sixe for a Monochrome file is: 6,782 bytes
The size for a 24-bit bitmap file is: 142,294 bytes

5. There's a difference between the monochrome file and the 24-bit bitmap file is that monochrome

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


On the painting program paint there are many tools available like:

Free Form Select:
This tool allows you to select, shape and size whatever you want of a selected portion.

This tool allows the person using the paint program to select a certain potion in their shape of either a square or a rectangle sizing to your liking.
The eraser allows you to get rid of unwanted drawing etc. You can also select the colour of your eraser by right clicking.
Fill with colour:
This painting tool fills a space with colour chosen that has all of its sides together. Although if the line has a break it the fill colour will move to the next area.
Pick Colour:
This shows the person using the program which colour is in use. If you click another colour on the canvas with this tool it will automatically be converted to your paintbrush where then you can paint with the chosen colour.
This allows the person to zoom in and to zoom out while viewing their work.
The pencil works like the paint brush however the stroke is thinner then the paintbrush.
Brush ( paintbrush):
This tool is adjustable with the thickness of the stroke, you can also change the colour which you want to use from the colour pallet.
This tool works more like a spray can. The texture is different to the pencil and brush, when you use this tool you will see that the colour chosen is made up of tiny dots/spots.
This tool lets you create text boxes and write in the text box with font and colour chosen and also the size of your font chosen. You can also make the text box either opaque or transparent.
This allows the person using the program to create lines with chosen thickness, length and colour.
This tool allows you to create curves also choosing your colour, thickness and length. It the line will come out straight then you have to altar it by clicking certain area of the line making the curve.
This tool allows you to create rectangles and squares in any sizes. You can either pick the square or rectangle to have an outline in any colour, the outline and fill in any colour or just the fill in any colour.
This tool allows you to create a polygon by giving you lines which then you create join the lines together in whatever colour chosen.
This tool allows you to create circular shapes. You can either have the circles with an outline, fill and fill and outline, you can also draw the circle in colour chosen.
Rounded Rectangle:
This tool allows the person to create rectangles and squares with rounded corners, having the same options as the normal rectangle tool.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I feel that digital art is real art as that it can express emotions and stories, just non digital art can.

Digitally created art can help increase that it can also create emotion, show emotion and can also tell stories. So in my opinion digitally created art is REAL ART.

This digital art work was done on artpad.art.com
The site is quiet easy to use i had no difficulties in making my artwork and the tool facilities are great.
I used different sized paint brushes and changed the capacity.

Art that is created on the computer has quiet a lot of advantages as you can always go back and edit your work. There are also many tools that can be used such as the cloning tool and the copy and pasting procedure ETC. There are many other tools which cannot be used on non digital art. Digital art can also be sent through email as where as you have a canvas and paint brushes you would have to carry it with you everywhere to your designated spot to show the public your artwork.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Inkscape is a drwing program not a painting program.
The difference between the two are that with drawing programs (e.g. inkscape) you can seperate objects which also allows you to edit them anytime, however the disadvantage of using drawing programs are that they will look like CARTOONS.
Painting programs (e.g. paint and photoshop) is that you have to edit each pixel and there are no objecs however the advantage to using paint programs are that they are photo REALISTIC.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Digital Media

5 forms of Digital Media

  • Digital Camera
  • Digital Radio
  • Digital audio
  • Video games
  • Internet

The system which digital data is based on is BINARY NUMERICAL SYSTEM and the two numbers which are used to code all digital data are 1 and 0.

What is a bite? What is a byte?

A byte is a unit which is built up of bits. Bits are the smaller units of information.

Sampling rate is the frequency of sampling per unit time.

This is one example of a sampling signal (on the left).

The amount of bits per pixel rely on the colour depth of the photo or picture. The more bits there are on one pixel the more colour and the more clearer photo or picture is.

2 bit picture

4 bit picture (below)

8 bit picture (below)

24 bit picture (below)

The reason behind why sampling rate only applies to movement and not still media is that is can't make still media move. However colour depth works on both movement and still media as they both contain colour.